- Version RCFV.4.5.2420.4821
- Download 67
- File Size 6.02 MB
- Create Date 2025-01-31
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Change log for version 4.5
( 1) Fixed a problem where the special quote marks, ‘ and ’ were not translated to an ASCII apostrophe, '.
( 2) Fixed a number of problems related to the file list window. In particular, when selecting files focus could be lost to the main window or some files might not be refreshed correctly and require a manual refresh. This would be particularly noticeable when doing a quick scan of the files using the up and down arrow keys.
( 3) If you specify an HTTPS protocol it is automatically converted to HTTP since the former does not work for all web sites. Note that this is not a security risk since RCFV is read-only and no user data is sent to any web site. Please note also that RCFV may automatically "upgrade" a query to HTTPS if the HTTP version of the url fails.
( 4) The priority for highlighting has been changed such that matches override emphasis. Before this, emphasized text which contained any matched characters would prevent the matches from being seen. It is clearly more important to see the matched text so we have prioritized that.
( 5) Fixed a problem where urls with special characters in the rightmost segment were truncated before the rightmost special character, e.g., https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/jvi.00365-23.
( 6) Fixed a regression which might create a problem when evaluating HTML tags which do not contain spaces between quoted attributes, e.g., <a class="tout-title-link"data-track-click="{"index":10}"href="/visiting-towns-in-us-feel-like-europe-best-leavenworth-washington">. In this case the link generated for the anchor tag was incorrect.
( 7) We fixed a problem where, when you asked for explicit links, e.g., :: http://time.com, to appear on a separate line, the newline characters which would effect this were accidentally erased during processing.
( 8) Fixed a problem that was preventing Apple News encoded urls, e.g., https://apple.news/A5XX4AYQaRBiKFaA4WcSJdA, from being handled by RCFV. They are now (again) redirected to the actual url.
( 9) Fixed a number of problems with lookup, {F2}.
(10) Fixed a problem where {F1} did not work when the scratchpad was the active control.
(11) Fixed a problem where very large numbers, e.g., 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 would cause an overflow error during TTS (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-client/backup-and-storage/fat-hpfs-and-ntfs-file-systems).
(12) Fixed a problem where some image urls were incorrectly converted to all lower case which would prevent mixed-case images from being rendered correctly.
(13) Fixed a problem when attempting to extract matched text to the clipboard. If the file contained multiple buffers the matched text in the buffers after the first might not be appended to the scratchpad. Also, the main form is now disabled during this operation to prevent the user from accidentally pressing a button and starting another operation.
(14) Fixed a problem related to the use of quotation marks, apostrophes, or backquotes within span tags, e.g., <span ...>‘</span>ABC<span ...>‘</span> which resulted in unwanted spaces around the quoted text.
(15) Fixed a problem where Microsoft Safelinks which contain embedded & characters were translated to the ampersand character (which they do represent) which prevented them from being recognized as valid urls.
(16) Fixed a problem where text containing urls was treated as HTML.
(17) Fixed a download problem where long urls would, by default, create illegally large file names which caused the download to fail.
(18) Fixed a number of issues regarding dragging multiple lines to the include input box. In particular, when pressing the {Ctrl} or {Alt} key while dropping multiple lines to the include filter input box ALL added items should have the start or end block prefix (^^ or $$) prepended. The original implementation only added the prefixes to the first item in the list.
(19) Some HTML text contains items which may look like files, e.g., x: but are not. We used to, but no longer, consider those as file specifications. To be considered a file a potential specification must contain at least one backslash, e.g. x:/ or //server/abc (where / represents a backslash}. This can help speed up some HTML file processing.
(20) Fixed a minor spacing problem when removing context characters when creating simplified HTML using Copy and edit.
(21) Fixed a minor issue where emphasis control characters ² and ³ would be displayed if part of an include filter line match.
New features:
( 1) Added support for multiple installed languages in TTS. If more than one language is installed then, instead of just choosing between a male and female voice, you are provided with a list box where you can pick a combination of 'culture' (language) and sex for the voice. Note that currently, even if multiple voices for a particular language are installed, we only support the default voice for each culture-sex combination. Also, many of the RCFV language customizations are for English only and will be ignored for other languages. Since this app is not internationalized some of the predefined optional phrases such as START LINK or LEFT PAREN, etc. will always be voiced in English.
( 1.1) After adding new voices to your system you must run TTSVoicePatcher (as an admin). It is free software and may be found at: https://www.dipisoft.com/file/TTSVoicePatcher.zip
( 2) Added the ability to invoke the TTS dialog box from the scratch pad using a quick key, {Ctrl}+{q}, or from the context menu in the scratch pad. In the TTS dialog window we've added the ability to read aloud either all or just the highlighted text in the scratch pad using the {z} key. Consequently, you can press {Ctrl}+{q}+{z} in the scratch pad to speak the scratch pad text.
( 3) Added a Startpage search engine template to the default Lookup file.
( 4) Added special support in the English voice for the Spanish letter, ñ, which is used in many Spanish names plus some common words used in English such as "El Niño".
( 5) We've added two keyboard actions in the file list: (1) you can now use the /, slash key, while navigating the file list to toggle the panel on the main screen, (2) you can use the {Home} key to restore focus to the list control if one of the controls below, e.g., a command button, has the focus and (3) you can press {Ctrl}+{F6} to return the focus to the main window. Also, you can press {Ctrl}+{F6} in the main display window to give focus to the file list window (and display it first, if hidden).
( 6) Certain web sites may not be read directly by RCFV but may actually be rendered if you read them in your browser and then view the HTML source text and copy it into RCFV. This is the case for urls from, for example, the Reuters' domain, www.reuters.com, which generate "401 Unauthorized" errors when accessed directly by RCFV and are sent to your default browser. If you want to quickly signal RCFV to convert HTML to rendered text instead of just viewing the raw HTML text you can depress the {Shift} key while pasting or dropping the text and avoid some intermediate queries.
( 7) When pasting text from a PDF, multiple end-of-line characters are elided by Windows into a single one removing paragraph information. To create more readable (and speakable) text you can chose HTML formatting instead of TEXT. In the former case we automatically remove the existing line-ends and replace them with new ones at the end of each sentence. You can select TEXT if you don't desire this reformatting.
( 8) We've added the ability to modify the smooth scroll delay via the up and down arrow keys. If you press the UP arrow key during smooth scrolling the delay will be DECREMENTED by 2 ms. to make the scrolling FASTER. Conversely, pressing the DOWN arrow key will similarly slow the scroll. This can be particularly useful to synchronize the display with TTS.
( 9) Clarified the fact that the magenta Format button in the control panel can be used to copy both the format and/or the current slot colors to other files via an updated tooltip and updated hover help text.
(10) We added the option in the web options window to add a default extension for download files whose urls do not contain an explicit extension. Some sites like https://apnews.com/photography have jpg urls which do not have an extension. If you are doing a batch download this is an easy way for your downloaded files to be renamed automatically.
(11) We've improved the documentation clarifying the issues regarding pasting and dropping text into the filter input boxes.
(12) Added the ability to drag one or more lines of text preceded by context characters and/or line numbers to a filter input box. If you include any or all of the prefix characters they will be removed and replaced by a caret, ^ since, by definition, context characters and/or line numbers start at the beginning of a new line. Note that these prefix characters are NOT included when filtering so they should not be part of any filtering expression.
(13) Added two buttons under the filter input boxes giving you quick access to move the cursor to the start and end of the input box. You can also use {Ctrl}+{Home} and {Ctrl}+{End} respectively to effectuate the same thing.
Plus some additional miscellaneous fixes.