Change logs
Change log for version 4.5
( 1) Fixed a problem where the special quote marks, ‘ and ’ were not translated to an ASCII apostrophe, ‘.
( 2) Fixed a number of problems related to the file list window. In particular, when selecting files focus could be lost to the main window or some files might not be refreshed correctly and require a manual refresh. This would be particularly noticeable when doing a quick scan of the files using the up and down arrow keys.
( 3) If you specify an HTTPS protocol it is automatically converted to HTTP since the former does not work for all web sites. Note that this is not a security risk since RCFV is read-only and no user data is sent to any web site. Please note also that RCFV may automatically “upgrade” a query to HTTPS if the HTTP version of the url fails.
( 4) The priority for highlighting has been changed such that matches override emphasis. Before this, emphasized text which contained any matched characters would prevent the matches from being seen. It is clearly more important to see the matched text so we have prioritized that.
( 5) Fixed a problem where urls with special characters in the rightmost segment were truncated before the rightmost special character, e.g.,
( 6) Fixed a regression which might create a problem when evaluating HTML tags which do not contain spaces between quoted attributes, e.g., <a class=”tout-title-link”data-track-click=”{“index”:10}”href=”/visiting-towns-in-us-feel-like-europe-best-leavenworth-washington”>. In this case the link generated for the anchor tag was incorrect.
( 7) We fixed a problem where, when you asked for explicit links, e.g., ::, to appear on a separate line, the newline characters which would effect this were accidentally erased during processing.
( 8) Fixed a problem that was preventing Apple News encoded urls, e.g.,, from being handled by RCFV. They are now (again) redirected to the actual url.
( 9) Fixed a number of problems with lookup, {F2}.
(10) Fixed a problem where {F1} did not work when the scratchpad was the active control.
(11) Fixed a problem where very large numbers, e.g., 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 would cause an overflow error during TTS (
(12) Fixed a problem where some image urls were incorrectly converted to all lower case which would prevent mixed-case images from being rendered correctly.
(13) Fixed a problem when attempting to extract matched text to the clipboard. If the file contained multiple buffers the matched text in the buffers after the first might not be appended to the scratchpad. Also, the main form is now disabled during this operation to prevent the user from accidentally pressing a button and starting another operation.
(14) Fixed a problem related to the use of quotation marks, apostrophes, or backquotes within span tags, e.g., <span …>‘</span>ABC<span …>‘</span> which resulted in unwanted spaces around the quoted text.
(15) Fixed a problem where Microsoft Safelinks which contain embedded & characters were translated to the ampersand character (which they do represent) which prevented them from being recognized as valid urls.
(16) Fixed a problem where text containing urls was treated as HTML.
(17) Fixed a download problem where long urls would, by default, create illegally large file names which caused the download to fail.
(18) Fixed a number of issues regarding dragging multiple lines to the include input box. In particular, when pressing the {Ctrl} or {Alt} key while dropping multiple lines to the include filter input box ALL added items should have the start or end block prefix (^^ or $$) prepended. The original implementation only added the prefixes to the first item in the list.
(19) Some HTML text contains items which may look like files, e.g., x: but are not. We used to, but no longer, consider those as file specifications. To be considered a file a potential specification must contain at least one backslash, e.g. x:\ or \\server\abc. This can help speed up some HTML file processing.
(20) Fixed a minor spacing problem when removing context characters when creating simplified HTML using Copy and edit.
(21) Fixed a minor issue where emphasis control characters ² and ³ would be displayed if part of an include filter line match.
New features:
( 1) Added support for multiple installed languages in TTS. If more than one language is installed then, instead of just choosing between a male and female voice, you are provided with a list box where you can pick a combination of ‘culture’ (language) and sex for the voice. Note that currently, even if multiple voices for a particular language are installed, we only support the default voice for each culture-sex combination. Also, many of the RCFV language customizations are for English only and will be ignored for other languages. Since this app is not internationalized some of the predefined optional phrases such as START LINK or LEFT PAREN, etc. will always be voiced in English.
( 1.1) After adding new voices to your system you must run TTSVoicePatcher (as an admin). It is free software and may be found at:
( 2) Added the ability to invoke the TTS dialog box from the scratch pad using a quick key, {Ctrl}+{q}, or from the context menu in the scratch pad. In the TTS dialog window we’ve added the ability to read aloud either all or just the highlighted text in the scratch pad using the {z} key. Consequently, you can press {Ctrl}+{q}+{z} in the scratch pad to speak the scratch pad text.
( 3) Added a Startpage search engine template to the default Lookup file.
( 4) Added special support in the English voice for the Spanish letter, ñ, which is used in many Spanish names plus some common words used in English such as “El Niño”.
( 5) We’ve added two keyboard actions in the file list: (1) you can now use the /, slash key, while navigating the file list to toggle the panel on the main screen, (2) you can use the {Home} key to restore focus to the list control if one of the controls below, e.g., a command button, has the focus and (3) you can press {Ctrl}+{F6} to return the focus to the main window. Also, you can press {Ctrl}+{F6} in the main display window to give focus to the file list window (and display it first, if hidden).
( 6) Certain web sites may not be read directly by RCFV but may actually be rendered if you read them in your browser and then view the HTML source text and copy it into RCFV. This is the case for urls from, for example, the Reuters’ domain,, which generate “401 Unauthorized” errors when accessed directly by RCFV and are sent to your default browser. If you want to quickly signal RCFV to convert HTML to rendered text instead of just viewing the raw HTML text you can depress the {Shift} key while pasting or dropping the text and avoid some intermediate queries.
( 7) When pasting text from a PDF, multiple end-of-line characters are elided by Windows into a single one removing paragraph information. To create more readable (and speakable) text you can chose HTML formatting instead of TEXT. In the former case we automatically remove the existing line-ends and replace them with new ones at the end of each sentence. You can select TEXT if you don’t desire this reformatting.
( 8) We’ve added the ability to modify the smooth scroll delay via the up and down arrow keys. If you press the UP arrow key during smooth scrolling the delay will be DECREMENTED by 2 ms. to make the scrolling FASTER. Conversely, pressing the DOWN arrow key will similarly slow the scroll. This can be particularly useful to synchronize the display with TTS.
( 9) Clarified the fact that the magenta Format button in the control panel can be used to copy both the format and/or the current slot colors to other files via an updated tooltip and updated hover help text.
(10) We added the option in the web options window to add a default extension for download files whose urls do not contain an explicit extension. Some sites like have jpg urls which do not have an extension. If you are doing a batch download this is an easy way for your downloaded files to be renamed automatically.
(11) We’ve improved the documentation clarifying the issues regarding pasting and dropping text into the filter input boxes.
(12) Added the ability to drag one or more lines of text preceded by context characters and/or line numbers to a filter input box. If you include any or all of the prefix characters they will be removed and replaced by a caret, ^ since, by definition, context characters and/or line numbers start at the beginning of a new line. Note that these prefix characters are NOT included when filtering so they should not be part of any filtering expression.
(13) Added two buttons under the filter input boxes giving you quick access to move the cursor to the start and end of the input box. You can also use {Ctrl}+{Home} and {Ctrl}+{End} respectively to effectuate the same thing.
Plus some additional miscellaneous fixes.
Change log for version 4.4
( 1) We fixed an issue where an anchor tag containing a valid url but with one or more images in lieu of any link text would be ignored.
( 2) We fixed an issue where pasting or dropping file names containing embedded spaces did not work correctly since the first space was incorrectly treated as the end of the file name. As part of this fix we improved the matching of valid file names so that most but not all unquoted files names, particularly UNC names, will be recognized correctly. Note that if a valid file name does not actually exist then it is treated as text.
( 3) When pasting files an unnecessary query was removed and some unwanted behaviors were fixed. Pasting/dropping of files and/or urls should work correctly now and be less redundant.
( 4) We fixed a number of miscellaneous errors which occurred when processing multiple files at one time.
( 5) When selecting files from multiple sources it was possible to get multiple instances of the same file path. Duplicates are now removed.
( 6) Increased the list of non-text files which RCFV can ignore when doing a bulk retrieval. Note that since there are many proprietary file extensions only the most common ones are included.
( 7) Fixed a serious bug which could cause refreshing the display of a non-text (binary) file to loop.
( 8) Fixed a problem where the default file font as specified in the Startup section of the Settings was not being used for path lists.
( 9) If you selected and “pasted” a large number of files or urls (> 20,000 characters) from a path list or equivalent the files were not processed individually but were treated as a single text file which is likely not what was wanted. Note that this will still be the case if the total number of lines “pasted” exceeds 1000.
New Features:
( 1) RCFV will, by default, ignore files which do not look like text files (or ones that can be converted to such as .DOC files), for example. You can change this behavior by unchecking the ‘Ignore non-text files (based on extension)’ option in the General tab settings. You might do this to be able to create a path list of the files rather than actually processing them. This is what you would do if you wanted to use Copy and edit to resize and display image files for example. When creating such a list you are given a number of ordering options, the last of which tells RCFV to read the actual files as opposed to just processing the name. You might do this to use the File List {F6} window to copy or move selected files to a particular directory. Alternatively, you might want to use RCFV to view the non-text file in hexadecimal display mode. Because most of the time you probably won’t want to do this for non-text files we have added an additional message box to ensure that you did not select this option by mistake.
( 2) A new filter has been provided for Google News lookups.
( 3) Hides the file list window temporarily, if open, when removing files from the viewer.
( 4) Improved TTS voicing of numerics, viz., “$100m” is voiced as “one hundred million dollars”, “$100B”, “100mn”, “100BN” similarly, “100x” is voiced as “one hundred times”, and “FY25” as “fiscal year 2025” plus some other enhancements.
( 5) Included the optional voicing of “,” with the voicing of ellipses. This is useful if the text contains a fair amount of comma-delimited data.
Change log for version 4.3
( 1) We fixed an issue which prevented the standard query which allows the user to include hidden files when pasting a file specification containing wildcards to the viewer, e.g., c:\temp\*.txt.
( 2) Selecting the option to voice the word image instead of the full image url was not working correctly. That, plus several more voicing options have been added to TTS. (See new features below.)
( 3) Fixed a number of problems involving the selection of image urls. Image urls which contained embedded commas were not being parsed correctly. Urls selected from a SRCSET field were sometimes incorrectly terminated with a comma. Image urls containing nested urls as part of the path are now handled, e.g.,,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
( 4) Fixed a problem where some images containing a nested “http” substring used the wrong url value and, therefore, did not display when using Copy and Edit.
( 5) Fixed the inability to add a new file by pressing the {a} key or selecting a url by pressing the {i} key when there were no files already in the viewer.
( 6) Fixed a minor problem where urls containing a space in the query portion were not highlighted correctly in the header.
New features:
( 1) Additional improvements were made to TTS including the additon of optional voicing of “START LINK”, “END LINK”, “START EMPHASIS”, “END EMPHASIS”, “START QUOTE”, “END QUOTE”, “LEFT PAREN” and “RIGHT PAREN” plus “DASH” and “ELLIPSIS”.
( 2) RCFV, by default, hides duplicate lines from web pages (within a fixed, predefined number of lines). This is useful for the vast majority of web sites where there is a lot of redundant text. However, we neglected to consider web sites which contain computer code or other such text where duplicate lines may be significant. We have added a web access option, which always defaults to the old behavior, but gives you the ability to override it and NOT hide the duplicate lines. (Note: not all duplicate lines are hidden — only those of a sufficient length.) Examples: and
( 3) RCFV has never been able to handle all web sites. Many require the use of Javascript which we do not currently support. When RCFV detected such a web page request it notified the user and asked whether the page should be opened in the default browser. Since the latter is the desired behavior virtually every time, we have elminated the query (and the subsequent pointless opening of the basically empty file in RCFV). From now on web pages which cannot be rendered in a reasonable manner by RCFV will automatically be routed to the default browser and the operation will terminate without any further action. (Note that there is a settings option under the Web/Html tab called Minimize the RCFV window when using the default browser to view a url which controls whether you want RCFV to hide itself after opening a browser tab. If you only have a single monitor it is recommended to keep this option checked.)
( 4) When removing “all files” or “all files but the current one” the operation is now conditional to prevent an inadvertent removal.
( 5) Added support for Google News encoded urls which were not able to be directly opened in RCFV. For the present time, until Google changes its News format again, you can read most results directly in RCFV as you could before. And, of course, as always, you can open any url selected in RCFV, including Google News links, in your default browser even if RCFV has no problem reading it. As mentioned before, if RCFV cannot read the url successfully it will automatically open it in your default browser.
( 6) If you have multiple files open you can quickly switch to any of the first 10 by pressing the {Ctrl} key + a number where {Ctrl}+{1} goes to file 1 and {Ctrl}+{0} goes to file 10.
( 7) Although it is not likely to be used much, if at all, RCFV allows the specification of and processing of urls plus one or more files plus one or more folders including those filtered by wildcards, e.g., “D:\temp\*.txt”. In previous releases there were some restrictions when doing this. You can now paste into the viewer text which contains one or more of the above objects including any other text in between. The text may either be added as literal text or the urls and/or files may all be processed.
In the example below note that “D:\temp” ==> “D:\temp\*”:
These are the web sites to open: ++++++++++++ These are the folders with wildcards plus a file to open: c:\temp\*.txt D:\temp D:\temp\temp.txt "c:\temp\Key Codes.txt" ++++++++++++ Here are some more web sites to open: and this
You can still control which of the objects are actually opened in RCFV so, if you have some text with a lot of links and/or files, you can “filter” them up-front or just select all of them for viewing.
Plus some other miscellaneous bugs were fixed as well.
Change log for version 4.2
New features:
( 1) Extensive enhancements were made to the TTS (text to speech) feature. A few more options were added but, most importantly, the resulting spoken text has been tweaked to sound more natural.
Change log for version 4.1
( 1) Fixed a problem where soft hyphens, ­ , were replaced by regular hyphens (
( 2) Fixed a long-standing problem where unprotected urls in the url list which matched the deletion pattern and age were being ignored and not deleted at program end.
( 3) Fixed a problem where the use of the ‘hide text’ regular expression prefix $^– might potentially affect a url or file name. The latter are now “protected” from being modified by the ‘$^–‘ expression.
( 4) Updated lookup for Google search in LookupText.txt to [g:Google]
( 5) Some information in the Help file regarding filtering and the hexadecimal view has been corrected and elaborated on.
New features:
( 1) You can now use the numeric keypad cursor operations regardless of the setting of the NumLock toggle. This is particularly useful for a laptop which does not have dedicated cursor movement keys such as {Home}, {End}, etc.
( 2) Added TTS (text to speech) support with various options for selecting what gets spoken and whether link and emphasis start/end get voiced or not. TTS support in the release version has a large number of improvements over the initial implementation in the beta release.
Change log for version 3.2
( 1) Fixed a problem where a non-serious error message may pop up during startup.
New features:
( 1) You can now use the numeric keypad cursor operations regardless of the setting of the NumLock toggle. This is particularly useful for a laptop which does not have dedicated cursor movement keys such as {Home}, {End}, etc.
Change log for version 3.1
( 1) Fixed a number of problems when selecting columns using delimiter separated values. In particular, if you selected column 0 it would match the whole line if there was no matching delimiter.
( 2) Fixed a problem which caused an unnecessary refresh when the buffer size was changed.
( 3) Fixed a problem related to default startup files where the default folder name was not attached to the file(s) and therefore the files or wildcards would be incorrectly marked as invalid or would access the wrong data.
( 4) Fixed a problem with large buffer sizes (over 1MB or so) which could cause processing to slow down drastically when selecting text. Note that this requires temporarily disabling automatic link recognition.
( 5) Extracted text which contained the escape character, viz., a backslash, such as a file path would be incorrectly “unescaped”. For example, “C:\text” would have the “\t” replaced by a tab character.
( 6) Fixed a problem with certain urls which can’t be resolved correctly in RCFV. For example, we try to handle urls from by looking up the subject and, therefore, don’t always return the exact article referenced by the url. That is by design. However, the process was somewhat flawed and could return an invalid url.
( 7) Added support for {Shift}+{Ctrl}+{w} = toggle word-wrap, which was documented but not implemented.
( 8) Removed some unnecessary, annoying refreshes particularly when replacing an existing file with another.
( 9) Added support for quoted delimiters when selecting columns. For example, for this line of text one,two,”1,234″,four the filter string $^3, should select four. In other words, the comma in “1,234” will not be considered a ‘column’ delimiter.
(10) Fixed a problem where non-HTML files were incorrectly stripped of newline characters.
(11) Fixed a problem where a url containing a “goto” section identifier, viz., text after “#”, e.g.,, would create a spurious error message if the “goto” text contained a regular expression character.
(12) Improved the calculation of the next url in a multipage url which used the <link rel=”next” tag, if it appeared, as the “next page” which overrode a better, numeric “next page” value.
New features:
( 1) In the unlikely case you need to, you can now use a specific digit as the delimiter for columns. For example, “$^20” will select the 3rd column delimited by a “0”. Of course, if you want to use ANY digit as the 4th column delimiter, for example, you can use “$^3\d”. The help file has been updated to reflect this.
( 2) Added the option to remove surrounding spaces and quotation marks from matched text. For example, for this text: one , two ,”1,234″ ,four if all items were matched using column-delimiter matching expression such as ‘$^0,’, ‘$^1,’, etc. and extracted with a semi-colon instead of a comma the result would be one;two;1,234;four.
( 3) A number of filters have been updated including the two important ones below.
Here is an updated filter for
Include filters: Case Insensitive ^^^More$ ---------------- Exclude filters: Case Insensitive ^More ^________________________________________________________________________________$ $^ * ---------------- Context[0,0]
Here is an updated filter for recent google news. Note that the last two normal matches ^More and ^________+ should use a match color equivalent to the background color which currently defaults to black:
Include filters: Case Insensitive \d+ (minutes?|hours?) ago 20\d\d(?=-) Yesterday\s+20\d\d(?=-) \d+ days? ago 20\d\d(?=-) $^TM3.+20$^yy(?=-) $^PM3 [23]\d.+20\d\d(?=-) ^More ^________+ ---------------- Exclude filters: Case Insensitive $^---\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ $^--(?<=ago)\s+20\d\d (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct).+20$^yy-1 $^ * ---------------- Context[3,0]
Note that these should update automatically when you install this release.
Plus, as always, some other minor issues.
Change log for version 3.0
( 1) Dragging one or more empty lines followed by a non-blank line from the scratchpad to a filter input box might cause the program to crash
( 2) Extracting text to the scratchpad was excessively slow with a large number of items.
( 3) Pasting some HTML text containing multiple urls, e.g., from EverNote, only recognized the first url.
( 4) Added the ability to save “manual” fvf files for files which are not urls. This was mistakenly removed in an earlier release.
( 5) Fixed lookup encoding to include some missing significant HTML url characters, e.g., “#”.
( 6) Explicit links in a webpage, e.g., “::”, were incorrectly terminated by a newline and are now terminated by a space.
New features:
( 1) We’ve added the ability to define extraction templates to add text to and change the order of matched text. When you right-click the Refresh button you are given the option to create a template or just use the existing functionality. An example is provided in the Help file.
Plus some other minor issues.
Change log for version 2.4
( 1) Fixed a problem when pressing the {F2} button which might have created a duplicate pop-up
( 2) Fixed a problem which caused the viewer screen to be cleared when the spacebar was pressed immediately after the {F6} key
( 3) Fixed a problem related to using the Find command, {F3} which caused issues when searching over multiple buffers.
( 4) Fixed a programming issue which caused very slow performance for html code containing a lot of <SPAN…> tags.
( 5) Regression fix: restored the ability to copy a filter to the scratchpad when a file, not a url, is being processed.
( 6) If you right-click a filter color button you have the option of copying that button’s color to all of those to the right OR to provide an explicit RGB color value for that button’s color. The latter option did not work correctly but has been fixed.
( 7) Fixed a problem which caused an invalid internal regular expression when an unescaped “$” was used inside of a character set, e.g., “[^$]”.
( 8) Fixed a regression which required a manual refresh despite the Auto-Refresh option being selected after modifying the filter options to AND all of the conditions or to consider case sensitivity.
New features:
( 1) We’ve added support for “next page” parameters found in the href attributes of anchor tags. This is to support queries for which the built-in filter is somewhat limited. First use their built-in filter settings in your browser and then use the resulting url in RCFV to be able to add additional filtering criteria.
( 2) Added support for list entries which contain embedded line breaks, e.g.,
“<UL><LI>Numbers<p>1</p><p>2</p></LI></UL>” produces
¤ Numbers 1 2
Check out HTTP://ROBERTREICH.ORG in RCFV for a real example of this. If you specify double-spacing for list items each new line within a list item will also be double-spaced, viz.,
¤ Numbers 1 2
Change log for version 2.3
( 1) Fixed a problem with over-zealous treatment of what is “hidden text”, e.g.
( 2) Added a missing automatic refresh when a web query is canceled.
( 3) Fixed a typo which caused a data type mismatch when modifying the buffer offset value
( 4) Fixed a problem where some url images were incorrectly perceived as duplicates and therefore removed from the text when converting to HTML using Copy and Edit.
( 5) When removing a file which is not the last, the subsequent file would take on the font characteristics of the removed file. This has been fixed.
( 6) The context menu entry “Unset filter, then find selected text” now works correctly
( 7) Added support for urls using the HTTP protocol which only work with HTTPS
( 8) Fixed a problem where tables inside of figure tags were being ignored
( 9) Fixed a problem where multiple versions of the same image with different resolutions were treated as different images during Copy and Edit
(10) Fixed a problem where hyphenated tags were not being processed correctly.
(11) Fixed a number of problems which caused incorrect table and blockquote formatting in certain cases.
(12) Urls containing a subdirectory named “audio” (case-insensitive), e.g., will be treated as downloadable only audio files despite not having an audio extension.
(13) Fixed responsiveness of filter toggle button.
(14) Fixed the case where hidden text information at the top of the file would prevent ^s from using the web page title as the subject of the email.
(15) Fixed a problem where some images would not be rendered in Outlook when converting to HTML using Copy and Edit.
(16) Fixed a problem where the wrong data may be used when dropping text which contains embedded file names but no urls.
(17) Fixed a couple of problems related to doing a file search via a right-click of “add Files” when minimizing the primary window during a long search.
(18) Fixed a problem with the sync’ing of the (pin) on-top button and the actual on-top status.
(19) Fixed a serious bug which could cause the program to freeze when pasted text contained quoted strings. Multiple urls and/or files may be pasted or dropped into the viewer to be processed. However, if more than one is on a single line then all such items MUST be quoted. For example,
“” “”
will have all of the urls recognized but
“” “”
may not.
(20) Fixed a problem when deleting urls from the url history list. If delete was pressed but no urls had been selected and there was a warning message to this effect that message would preclude any further deletions from happening until the program was restarted.
(21) Fixed a problem where urls containing spaces were considered invalid when attempting to load them from a ‘list file’, viz., the list of pre-read files to be reloaded in a batch.
(22) Fixed a problem where urls containing “#” could cause filtering to get out of sync and generate beeps when the cursor was over an “apparently” bad hyperlink.
(23) Improved the ‘hover-help’ documentation for the scratch pad which contained some out of date information.
(24) Fixed a problem where the {F2} button would float over the panel when the window is not maximized and the horizontal scroll bar for the panel is moved to the right.
(25) Fixed an issue where pressing the {Alt} key alone when hovering over a url did not append that url to the scratchpad. This only happened when the File List was also displayed.
(26) Fixed a problem where urls on the internet history screen could not be deleted when the urls were filtered.
(27) Fixed a problem where, in some cases, if you highlighted text in the viewer and pressed {F2} or equivalent to do a lookup when you returned to that file the cursor position and selected text were not restored correctly.
(28) Fixed a long-standing problem where the viewer would lose focus whenever the user added or removed one or more files, changing the list of “open” files.
(29) Lookup item descriptions that end with 3 asterisks, e.g., “[t3:Google Translate ***]” should not be opened in RCFV and should be redirected to the default browser. This is now enforced.
(30) Fixed a problem where the wrong color scheme was used for local files (not urls). The lock background function for local files was also fixed. Note that only urls can use saved filter settings, etc. and this is now enforced. Color data from the DEFAULT.fvf file, if specified, was being used incorrectly for local files instead of the default slot colors.
(31) Dragging or copying html text from Outlook which contain SafeLink encoded urls would create duplicate urls which were not recognized as such. This has been fixed.
(32) Long urls with similar prefixes could cause duplicate backup storage files names to be created preventing the later urls from being accessed. All backup storage file names should now be unique.
( 1) The default download filename now uses the rightmost two url fields to create a possibly more meaningful name.
( 2) Added the right-click option to the “t” command on the button bar to make it equivalent to the “Pin on top” button, i.e., go to the bottom of the file and, if there already, go to the top.
( 3) Next page processing is now always attempted when the host name of the original url and the potential next one to be read are identical. Previously, if the host names were the same but the 2 urls differed substantially the next page was ignored, e.g.,
( 4) The default url list has been updated somewhat. However, the associated fvf files have been substantially updated to correspond to the latest website formats.
New features:
( 1) We’ve added the option to automatically append the start (“^^”) or end (“$$”) prefix control characters to a regular expression in the include filter by pressing the {Ctrl} key or the the {Shift} key respectively while selecting the “Add selected text to include filter” context menu item. Note that this is similar to what you can do while dragging text to the filter input box except that to prepend the end control characters, “$$”, via the context menu you must use the {Shift} key and not the {Alt} key as you would when dragging. This is due to interactions between those control keys and these operations.
Plus other miscellaneous fixes
Change log for version 2.2
( 1) Requesting unique data lines when extracting text using matching could cause an error:
“This key is already associated with an element of this collection”
( 2) When using Copy and edit to back create HMTL
– Added support for image urls embedded in a primary url
– Added support for certain image urls containing embedded formatting information
( 3) When attempting to open multiple urls/files if two or more were identical then some or all of the selected urls/files would be ignored
( 4) Fixed a problem where the Esc key was not being recognized during a multifile find operation
( 5) Fixed a problem with certain HTML table renditions
( 6) Fixed a problem where some hyperlinks were incorrect
( 7) Image processing for ‘Copy and edit’ has been improved and a number of problems were fixed particularly when choosing to display 2-5 or all images per line when only image urls are selected
( 8) Removed spurious CAPTION, etc. text from figures which can’t be rendered by RCFV
( 9) Fixed a problem where urls containing an embedded ‘https://’ such as ‘…’ were incorrectly modified
(10) Fixed a problem where certain url’s ‘next page value’ was not calculated correctly because the host name looked like downloadable data
(11) Fixed {Ctrl}+{d} (duplicate line) and {Ctrl}+{l} (delete line) code in the scratchpad
(12) Significantly improved the code which was slowing down matching of urls against the url history list
(13) Fixed a number of issues related to pasting and processing HTML text
(14) Fixed a longstanding issue where, if multiple lines of text were selected which contained a hyperlink, the left click popup menu would be invoked.
(15) Fixed a problem when dropping or pasting multiple html files which prevented the user from viewing them as literal text or processing the html text
(16) When pasting HTML text containing urls, the option to reformat the urls to a separate line was not provided unless there were urls preceded by a space or a tab. Now any url found in the text not already starting on a new line will trigger the option.
(17) Fixed a couple of bugs related to urls which end with “/?”
(18) Fixed responsiveness of {Esc} key when attempting to open multiple files
(19) Fixed a problem where null characters, \x00, were being deleted which affected the correctness of the hex viewer
New features:
( 1) Added support for Flipboard entries
( 2) Added the ability to explicitly set the RGB value for the filter color values via a right-click
( 3) You can now automatically append “^^” and “$$” to the beginning of a SINGLE line of filter text which is dragged from the viewer to the include filter. Hold down the Ctrl key while dragging to prepend “^^” to the dragged text or the Alt key to prepend “$$”. This makes it easier to create Start-End expressions. If you use this for the exclude filter the Start-End prefixes, viz., “^^” and “$$”, will not be appended (they are invalid in the exclude filter) but the selected line will automatically be added to the filter.
( 4) Some sites store the text to display as part of a JSON structure. RCFV now extracts that text enabling you to read the essence of the web page albeit without ideal formatting, e.g., Note that to view JSON text you must enable the “Show hidden text” option. To improve the readability of some JSON text we suggest you also check the ‘Fix up run-on text’ web page option.
( 5) Hidden text processing has been improved a bit. If the “Show hidden text” option is not specified (which is the norm) then when there is a non-trivial amount of “significant” hidden text, viz., greater than 20% or so of the total text, you will be notified at the top of the document. (Note that hidden text will no longer be displayed automatically if there is little other text available to display on a web page.)
( 6) Double-clicking while the {Ctrl} key is depressed will select the “paragraph”, viz., all text between the preceding linefeed and the subsequent carriage-return.
( 7) Display of and captioning for web images using ‘Copy and edit’ has been improved.
( 8) Using ‘Copy and edit’ when your selection contains only image links or files you have the option of displaying them in a columnar format with all on one line or in 2-5 columns (N-up). When you do this the default image width is normally used. You now have the option of overriding the width value to force all of the images to have the specified width and fit perfectly in each column. Note that this may cause some images to be distorted. You can use this to constrain the width of other images as well although this is probably less useful.
( 9) You can now use the {m} quick-key while in the viewer to convert the current display font to monospaced, viz., Courier New.
(10) When dragging text from the viewer to a filter box regex special characters will always be escaped (“\” prepended). However, when dragging text from the scratchpad or other source you may not want to escape the text because, for example, it is already escaped or it is a well-formed regular expression. You now will be asked if you want to have it escaped automatically if it contains an unescaped regular expression special character.
( 1) The {F12} function, “drag to window”, which allowed you to create an on-top small window to drag data to is no longer supported. It is unnecessary since you can just do the same to the taskbar icon.
( 2) Modifed the context menu to indicate that when a file or files are selected you have the option of opening them in their associated application which is not necessarily the default browser.
( 3) If the filters are otherwise empty except for a $^F4 (auto-advance to first text block) filtering will be turned off.
( 4) Pressing the ‘Save filters’ button for a url without a matching fvf file will use the url value as the template for the default fvf file name instead of ‘Default.fvf’ if the Default.fvf file exists.
( 5) RCFV typically looks for embedded urls and/or files in pasted text and gives you the option of opening those instead of the containing text. This can take a little time for large files so it has been removed for files larger than 20,000 characters or having greater than 1000 lines. You can always create a filter for those objects and extract them from the larger text if that’s what you want to do. Since this is probably atypical it was decided that the performance penalty wasn’t worth the slight benefit.
( 6) Drastically improved the performance when deleting multiple urls while in url name order
( 7) When dragging and dropping or pasting MULTIPLE lines to the exclude filter input box, if at least one of those lines is “blank” (only contains 0 or more space characters), it may cause the display to become less legible considering that one or more spacing lines will be filtered out. In this case the blank line expressions will NOT be included in the filter list to retain proper spacing for the document. Hint: make sure that the RCFV special expression “$^ *” is included in the exclude filter to remove extraneous blank lines.
( 8) Some filter updates were made but, most importantly, recent (Google) news was corrected, to wit,
Include filters: Case Insensitive
\d+ (minutes|hours) ago 20\d\d(?=-)
\d+ days ago 20\d\d(?=-)
$^PM3 [23]\d.+20\d\d(?=-)
Exclude filters: Case Insensitive
( 1) svg image files are not currently renderable by ‘Copy and edit’
Plus other miscellaneous bug fixes
Change log for version 2.0
New features:
(1) Added a new quick lookup feature. Using {Ctrl}+{F2} optionally including the {Shift} or {Alt} keys followed by a single alphanumeric character (within a few seconds) such that that alphanumeric character may be used to quickly select one or more lookup list urls. Each item description may optionally be decorated at the beginning with one or more alphanumeric characters followed by a colon. When the character selected by the keystroke following {Ctrl}+{F2} or one of the other variants matches one of those “decorations” the list item will be selected.
Note that the match is case-insensitive, viz., “Q” will match “q”.
{Ctrl}+{F2} then keystroke ==> use tbe browser to open the matched urls (see below)
{Ctrl}+{Shift}+{F2} then keystroke ==> open the matched urls in RCFV (with the option to open in the browser instead)
{Ctrl}+{Alt}+{F2} then keystroke ==> append the matched urls to the scratchpad
For example, if the list items are as follows:
[i:Bing images ***] ;***: USE BROWSER ONLY
“g” following {Ctrl}+{F2}, etc. selects Google, “b” selects Bing, and “2” selects both
( 2) All variants of lookup may now be done from the scratchpad as well using whatever text is highlighted or the current word, if any.
( 3) Added the ability to right-click a normal filter button highlight color to be able to copy that color to all subsequent buttons to its right
( 4) Added an option to “Copy and edit” to copy the simplified HTML of the viewer text directly to the clipboard obviating the need to copy the HTML from a browser tab
( 5) Added an unescape function for selected text in the scratchpad to deal with “encoded” urls such as
It will also “decode” urls which contain Unicode constants for all ASCII characters, viz., “\u0000” through “\u00ff” such as “https:\u002F\” => “https:\\“
( 6) Added the ability to use F7 (paste special RCFV control characters) in the scratch pad
( 7) Added support for the tab key in the scratchpad
( 8) Added support for column selection where the columns are delimited by multiple spaces, e.g., $^2\s will select the third column where the columns are delimited by one or more spaces
( 9) {Alt}+{/} may be used anywhere to toggle the control panel and make the viewer the active control. Note that the {/} key alone may only be used to do this when the viewer is the active control.
(10) Updated videos for early instances of version 2 and added a new video: Extracting Columns From A Csv File
(11) Added the ability to select only folder names for a path list when selecting “files” (right-click ‘add files’)
(12) Added the option to extract only unique lines of data when right-clicking the Refresh button (match extraction)
(13) Added the option to include date and file and folder size attributes in path lists
(14) Extra control has been added to Bulk File Selection (right-click add Files) such that one can ignore non-text files dynamically for each selection and also ignore hidden files and all files, hidden or not, which are located in hidden folders
(15) Added a marker character, ‘†‘, after the link descriptor text when the urls are moved below the text when using Copy and edit to paste text with links to the clipboard
(16) Pressing the Escape key in the viewer may be used to (1) stop long-running operations, (2) cancel most dialog boxes, (3) unselect any highlighted text and (4) pause auto-scrolling
( 1) Deepl translation as a Lookup feature has been removed. You can download their free translate app which works in a similar way within any program at It has been replaced in RCFV by Reverso translation. For existing users the changes appear in ‘LookupText.install.txt‘ in the Data folder.
( 2) After an fvf file was matched by a url the file name used to be copied to the clipboard. That is no longer the case: the clipboard will now remain undisturbed by an fvf file match. One can interrogate the name of the matching fvf file by pressing {Alt}+{v} which will append that file name to the scratchpad.
( 1) Fixed FastReplace error due to unsorted inputs
( 2) Fixed problem with “$” regular expression characther when used in a Find {F3}
( 3) Modified the code which inserts “^” and/or “$” in strings dragged from the viewer to the Find input box or one of the filter input boxes
( 4) Fixed lack of removal of “+-” context character prefix when converting to simplified HTML
( 5) Fixed a regression where extended regular expressions starting with “$^::“, viz., match the underlying url value of a standard hyperlink instead of the link text, was not working
( 6) Fixed an issue which prevented HTML text from being processed in RCFV directly
( 7) Fixed lack of support for \t as a delimiter character for column selection, e.g., $^2\t will select the third column where the columns are delimited by tabs
( 8) Fixed a problem where the length of MS Office files was calculated incorrectly since it used the actual length of the source file but not the length of the (automatically) converted text file which is displayed
( 9) Fixed an issue where a new fvf file was unable to be saved due to an invalid file name
(10) Fixed a problem where very small web pages were not displayed properly
(11) Added support for text lines delimited solely by a carriage-return, x’0d’
(12) Fixed a problem where a single line dropped into the include or exclude list input box would be automatically added to the list box
(13) Fixed a bug where a negative regular expression for selecting files (right-click ‘add files’) would only work for the top level folder
(14) Fixed a problem which occurred when changing the “intra-line matched text delimiter” in the General Settings screen
(15) When using {Ctrl}+{s} to send an email containing the current url(s) the redirected url name, if any, is now used instead of the original url. This will also affect other places where the url name is displayed such as the file list.
(16) Fixed a problem where downloadable urls were not being recognized correctly. This issue also suppressed the inclusion of some links which were incorrectly considered duplicates.
(17) Fixed bad reformatting which caused spaces before punctuation followed by a digit to be elided
(18) Fixed a problem where HTML tags inside of <pre>…</pre> tags were not handled
(19) Fixed a number of issues related to processing multiple files, especially list files (files which start with ‘!’), and the creation of a path file (a single file containing all selected file path names)
(20) Fixed a number of problems related to the number of selected files for a file path
(21) Fixed url copy (right-click 7-Export | Copy selected urls) in the url list (internet command) when ordered by url value
(22) Fixed “Find local label” (an anchor beginning with “#”) so that it actually finds it if it exists in the text
(23) Fixed an issue with file lists where the saved information, e.g., font, colors, etc. was not being applied to the files in the list when they are opened from a file list
(24) A number of Bulk File Selection (right-click add Files) issues were fixed and/or improved.
(25) Fixed highlighting when a column specification, e.g., $^4\s was ANDed with a normal expression.
(26) When a single file is added to the viewer it is assumed that a path list is not wanted
plus other minor bug fixes
Change log for version 1.2
( 1) Improved recognition of images in files when they are specified as SRCSETs.
( 2) Added support for urls which contain additional ‘//’ strings after the protocol, e.g.,
( 3) Fixed a bug where captured lines containing a backslash, ‘\’, included some spurious characters
( 4) Fixed anchor formatting in superscripts
( 5) Fixed additional HTML formatting issues for back conversion
( 6) Added a new extended regular expression to simplify undelimited column highlighting
– e.g., $^10:5 will match the five characters in every line starting at the 11th column
( 7) Modified and clarified support for drag and drop vs. copy and paste for text added to filters
– you can now copy and paste multiple lines into the filter input box
– the two modes differ only when the source of the text is from the RCFV viewer screen
– drag and drop will escape any regex characters in the string and optionally add
some extra characters such as “^” and/or “$” to make the match more precise
( 8) Modified the algorithm for matching fvf file names such that if there are multiple matches
the file matching the longest string of characters in the url will be used
– if there are multiple such file “expressions” that fit that definition of “best match” then
the longest file name of those will be used
– if there are multiples of those then the first one encountered will be used
( 9) Added the ability for a user defined default fvf file (named, of course, “DEFAULT.fvf”) which,
if it exists, will be used when no other match is found. In the most minimal case it can be used
to define just the default color scheme.
(10) Added support for “msn encoded” news urls
(11) Added support for urls in certain web sites which contain the wrong domain information and
therefore return 404 errors, viz., ‘file not found’ similar to links. We use the same
“hack” to find the correct or very similar url and display its data.
(12) Fixed a bug where dropped or copied text containing a Windows wildcard character, e.g., “?” was
considered a bad file name
(13) Fixed a lookup bug where a “%” character in the lookup text was not being encoded correctly
(14) Fixed performance of option to minimize the RCFV window if a browser window is opened from RCFV
(15) Forced url lookup screen to always be ON TOP in case main window is ON TOP
(16) Increased the number of duplicate links within an anchor tag from 1 to 3
(17) Fixed a big which ignored leading spaces when dragging text to the filter input box
(18) Fixed a problem where certain files were being recognized as images even though they weren’t
(19) Fixed a problem with emphasis tags which could create spurious text
(20) Added a new lookup url and associated fvf file to filter only recent Google News
– we have defined “recent” as the last 10 days or so of the previous month plus the current month’s
data but users can redefine it in other ways if they prefer
[Google News — Recent]
– check out the new video, “Edit Lookup & Create A Date-Based Filter”, at
which describes how it works
(21) Modified the F2 (lookup) button in the panel such that it is enabled even if there is no file in the viewer
(22) Improved recognition when filtering does not select any meaningful text
(23) Fixed a problem where small text in braces, e.g., {Ctrl}, would be deleted
(24) Speeded up startup and, to a smaller extent, filtering, when there are a large number of filter values
(25) Fixed a potential url history parameter corruption when an invalid numeric value was specified and the
{Enter} key was pressed instead of the RCFV command button
(26) Fixed a problem where a list of image files in the viewer were not recognized as such and, therefore,
were not displayed correctly in the browser when using Copy and edit
plus other minor bug fixes
Change log for version 1.1
( 1) Added multipage support for urls with numeric suffixes which precede an extension, e.g.,
( 2) Added more predefined fractions translated from UNICODE
( 3) Fixed unrecognized left tag bracket in certain urls
( 4) Improved the recognition of images in image tags when the attribute is not obvious, e.g., data-original=”…”
( 5) Added support for partially “encoded” urls in url pages, e.g., This will allow the batch download of Stitcher mp3 files.
( 6) Ensured that changes to a default folder in the Settings will be reflected immediately
( 7) Fixed problem that prevented standard link images from being wrapped horizontally in a browser window
( 8) Fixed Esc key behavior such that it just stops scrolling and does not force a spurious refresh
( 9) Fixed a problem accessing
(10) If the File List is visible but the main window is not then clicking on any line in the list (to go to that file number) will make the main window visible
(11) Some sites, such as, hide relevant information and require the “Display hidden text” option
(12) Hopefully improved recognition of web pages which contain non-empty tables. This will result in fewer false warning messages about word-wrap being used with table data.
(13) Fixed next page recognition when it is “hidden” in the ALT attribute text of an image
(14) Allows next page recognition when the assumed next page is significantly different from the initial url but the latter contains a redirect
(15) Repaired several formatting errors when converting web text back to HTML via ‘Copy and edit’
(16) Changed redundant {Alt}+{p} key to {Alt}+{f} for PDF creation in the browser
(17) Using {y} key to toggle filtering caused focus to be lost in viewer
(18) Fixed potential overflow when evaluating images when converting to HTML
(19) The “Display hidden text” option has been extended to include text included within <FORM…> tags
(20) Improved recognition and download of new releases when right-clicking the Help button and selecting option 2
(21) Fixed incorrect handling of some unreadable urls such as….
(22) Added support for image urls without an explicit image extension but which contain the literal string “IMAGE”, e.g.,
plus other miscellaneous, minor problem fixes
The following notification is for existing users of RCFV versions prior to version 1.1. New users need not be concerned.
Due to an unfortunate choice of some “default” regular expression meta characters used in the provided fvf files we have discovered that they are too effective at being selected as the “best” matching filter file.
Below is an explanation of the problem if you are interested:
Some of the provided fvf files contained the following regular expression segment (within the quotes), “`S.+`S”. We should have known better than to use the “match everything” wildcard, “.+”, particularly in its greedy mode, but we goofed. Consider the following two pattern files with their equivalent regular expression value and the two urls which follow.
==> (www.)?
==> (www.)?
One would think that the first pattern would be the best match the first url and that is so. The second pattern should be the best for the second url. Even though both patterns match it, the second regular expression is longer and that is the ostensible tie-breaker. However, we have a problem since RCFV (rightfully) will always choose the first pattern it finds which matches the whole url. Unfortunately, in this case, when you test each pattern for a complete match by adding “^” at the start and “$” at the end (the protocol prefix is always ignored) you get a spurious match for the shorter pattern since the “.+” matches everything after the first slash up to the final slash.
Here is the fix:
We have replaced all of the provided file names containing the defective string “`S.+`S” with a better pattern, i.e., “`S[^`S]+`S”, which will prevent any unwanted side-effects such as the above from happening. This will happen automatically when you install a new version of RCFV and you allow the installation program to overwrite any matching fvf files.
Again, for new users or those not interested in our predefined fvf files this is not an issue. However, users of older versions will also need to delete the old, imperfect fvf files.
To delete the “bad” files which have been superseded:
(1) Open a command window: type the Windows-key + {R}
(2) Open the CMD (cmd.exe) app
(3) Change the current directory to your filters folder (the one containing your fvf files). For example,
cd “C:Users{your user name}DocumentsRCFVFilters”
(4) Type the following command to delete the “bad” files:
del *`S.+`S*
(5) You can verify that this worked by typing the following command which should return no matches:
dir *`S.+`S*
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.