Release, RCFV.4.3.2402.4811 (Updated 2024-08-19)

  • Version RCFV.4.3.2402.4811
  • Download 370
  • File Size 6.02 MB
  • Create Date 2024-08-19

Change log for version 4.3


( 1) We fixed an issue which prevented the standard query which allows the user to include hidden files when pasting a file specification containing wildcards to the viewer, e.g., c:\temp\*.txt.

( 2) Selecting the option to voice the word image instead of the full image url was not working correctly. That, plus several more voicing options have been added to TTS. (See new features below.)

( 3) Fixed a number of problems involving the selection of image urls. Image urls which contained embedded commas were not being parsed correctly. Urls selected from a SRCSET field were sometimes incorrectly terminated with a comma. Image urls containing nested urls as part of the path are now handled, e.g.,,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

( 4) Fixed a problem where some images containing a nested "http" substring used the wrong url value and, therefore, did not display when using Copy and Edit.

( 5) Fixed the inability to add a new file by pressing the {a} key or selecting a url by pressing the {i} key when there were no files already in the viewer.

( 6) Fixed a minor problem where urls containing a space in the query portion were not highlighted correctly in the header.

New features:

( 1) Additional improvements were made to TTS including the additon of optional voicing of "START LINK", "END LINK", "START EMPHASIS", "END EMPHASIS", "START QUOTE", "END QUOTE", "LEFT PAREN" and "RIGHT PAREN" plus "DASH" and "ELLIPSIS".

( 2) RCFV, by default, hides duplicate lines from web pages (within a fixed, predefined number of lines). This is useful for the vast majority of web sites where there is a lot of redundant text. However, we neglected to consider web sites which contain computer code or other such text where duplicate lines may be significant. We have added a web access option, which always defaults to the old behavior, but gives you the ability to override it and NOT hide the duplicate lines. (Note: not all duplicate lines are hidden -- only those of a sufficient length.) Examples: and

( 3) RCFV has never been able to handle all web sites. Many require the use of Javascript which we do not currently support. When RCFV detected such a web page request it notified the user and asked whether the page should be opened in the default browser. Since the latter is the desired behavior virtually every time, we have elminated the query (and the subsequent pointless opening of the basically empty file in RCFV). From now on web pages which cannot be rendered in a reasonable manner by RCFV will automatically be routed to the default browser and the operation will terminate without any further action. (Note that there is a settings option under the Web/Html tab called Minimize the RCFV window when using the default browser to view a url which controls whether you want RCFV to hide itself after opening a browser tab. If you only have a single monitor it is recommended to keep this option checked.)

( 4) When removing "all files" or "all files but the current one" the operation is now conditional to prevent an inadvertent removal.

( 5) Added support for Google News encoded urls which were not able to be directly opened in RCFV. For the present time, until Google changes its News format again, you can read most results directly in RCFV as you could before. And, of course, as always, you can open any url selected in RCFV, including Google News links, in your default browser even if RCFV has no problem reading it. As mentioned before, if RCFV cannot read the url successfully it will automatically open it in your default browser.

( 6) If you have multiple files open you can quickly switch to any of the first 10 by pressing the {Ctrl} key + a number where {Ctrl}+{1} goes to file 1 and {Ctrl}+{0} goes to file 10.

( 7) Although it is not likely to be used much, if at all, RCFV allows the specification of and processing of urls plus one or more files plus one or more folders including those filtered by wildcards, e.g., "D:\temp\*.txt". In previous releases there were some restrictions when doing this. You can now paste into the viewer text which contains one or more of the above objects including any other text in between. The text may either be added as literal text or the urls and/or files may all be processed.

In the example below note that "D:\temp" ==> "D:\temp\*":

These are the web sites to open:

These are the folders with wildcards plus a file to open: 
   c:\temp\*.txt   D:\temp  D:\temp\temp.txt
   "c:\temp\Key Codes.txt" 
Here are some more web sites to open: 
and this 

You can still control which of the objects are actually opened in RCFV so, if you have some text with a lot of links and/or files, you can "filter" them up-front or just select all of them for viewing.

Plus some other miscellaneous bugs were fixed as well.