- Version RCFV.1.2.2315.4763
- Download 14707
- File Size 6.02 MB
- Create Date 2022-09-26
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Updated 2022-09-26
Change log for version 1.2
( 1) Improved recognition of images in files when they are specified as SRCSETs.
( 2) Added support for urls which contain additional '//' strings after the protocol, e.g., https://www.the-scientist.com//?page=2
( 3) Fixed a bug where captured lines containing a backslash, '', included some spurious characters
( 4) Fixed anchor formatting in superscripts
( 5) Fixed additional HTML formatting issues for back conversion
( 6) Added a new extended regular expression to simplify undelimited column highlighting
- e.g., $^10:5 will match the five characters in every line starting at the 11th column
( 7) Modified and clarified support for drag and drop vs. copy and paste for text added to filters
- you can now copy and paste multiple lines into the filter input box
- the two modes differ only when the source of the text is from the RCFV viewer screen
- drag and drop will escape any regex characters in the string and optionally add
some extra characters such as "^" and/or "$" to make the match more precise
( 8) Modified the algorithm for matching fvf file names such that if there are multiple matches
the file matching the longest string of characters in the url will be used
- if there are multiple such file "expressions" that fit that definition of "best match" then
the longest file name of those will be used
- if there are multiples of those then the first one encountered will be used
( 9) Added the ability for a user defined default fvf file (named, of course, "DEFAULT.fvf") which,
if it exists, will be used when no other match is found. In the most minimal case it can be used
to define just the default color scheme.
(10) Added support for "msn encoded" news urls
(11) Added support for urls in certain web sites which contain the wrong domain information and
therefore return 404 errors, viz., 'file not found' similar to msn.com links. We use the same
"hack" to find the correct or very similar url and display its data.
(12) Fixed a bug where dropped or copied text containing a Windows wildcard character, e.g., "?" was
considered a bad file name
(13) Fixed a lookup bug where a "%" character in the lookup text was not being encoded correctly
(14) Fixed performance of option to minimize the RCFV window if a browser window is opened from RCFV
(15) Forced url lookup screen to always be ON TOP in case main window is ON TOP
(16) Increased the number of duplicate links within an anchor tag from 1 to 3
- https://nextbigideaclub.com/magazine
(17) Fixed a big which ignored leading spaces when dragging text to the filter input box
(18) Fixed a problem where certain files were being recognized as images even though they weren't
(19) Fixed a problem with emphasis tags which could create spurious text
(20) Added a new lookup url and associated fvf file to filter only recent Google News
- we have defined "recent" as the last 10 days or so of the previous month plus the current month's
data but users can redefine it in other ways if they prefer
[Google News -- Recent] https://news.google.com/search?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en&recentonly&q=??
- check out the new video, "Edit Lookup & Create A Date-Based Filter", at http://takamomto.com/videos/
which describes how it works
(21) Modified the F2 (lookup) button in the panel such that it is enabled even if there is no file in the viewer
(22) Improved recognition when filtering does not select any meaningful text
(23) Fixed a problem where small text in braces, e.g., {Ctrl}, would be deleted
(24) Speeded up startup and, to a smaller extent, filtering, when there are a large number of filter values
(25) Fixed a potential url history parameter corruption when an invalid numeric value was specified and the
{Enter} key was pressed instead of the RCFV command button
(26) Fixed a problem where a list of image files in the viewer were not recognized as such and, therefore,
were not displayed correctly in the browser when using Copy and edit
plus other minor bug fixes
The following notification is for existing users of RCFV versions prior to version 1.1. New users need not be concerned.
Due to an unfortunate choice of some "default" regular expression meta characters used in the provided fvf files we have discovered that they are too effective at being selected as the "best" matching filter file.
Below is an explanation of the problem if you are interested:
Some of the provided fvf files contained the following regular expression segment (within the quotes), "`S.+`S". We should have known better than to use the "match everything" wildcard, ".+", particularly in its greedy mode, but we goofed. Consider the following two pattern files with their equivalent regular expression value and the two urls which follow.
==> (www.)?famousnewspaper.com/.+/
==> (www.)?famousnewspaper.com/.+/20dd/dd/dd/
One would think that the first pattern would be the best match the first url and that is so. The second pattern should be the best for the second url. Even though both patterns match it, the second regular expression is longer and that is the ostensible tie-breaker. However, we have a problem since RCFV (rightfully) will always choose the first pattern it finds which matches the whole url. Unfortunately, in this case, when you test each pattern for a complete match by adding "^" at the start and "$" at the end (the protocol prefix is always ignored) you get a spurious match for the shorter pattern since the ".+" matches everything after the first slash up to the final slash. 🙁
Here is the fix:
We have replaced all of the provided file names containing the defective string "`S.+`S" with a better pattern, i.e., "`S[^`S]+`S", which will prevent any unwanted side-effects such as the above from happening. This will happen automatically when you install a new version of RCFV and you allow the installation program to overwrite any matching fvf files.
Again, for new users or those not interested in our predefined fvf files this is not an issue. However, users of older versions will also need to delete the old, imperfect fvf files.
To delete the "bad" files which have been superseded:
(1) Open a command window: type the Windows-key + {R}
(2) Open the CMD (cmd.exe) app
(3) Change the current directory to your filters folder (the one containing your fvf files). For example,
cd "C:Users{your user name}DocumentsRCFVFilters"
(4) Type the following command to delete the "bad" files:
del *`S.+`S*
(5) You can verify that this worked by typing the following command which should return no matches:
dir *`S.+`S*
Sorry for the inconvenience.