Release, RCFV.2.3.2364.4789 (Updated 2023-10-09)

  • Version RCFV.2.3.2364.4789
  • Download 5675
  • File Size 6.02 MB
  • Create Date 2023-10-30

Change log for version 2.3


( 1) Fixed a problem with over-zealous treatment of what is "hidden text", e.g.

( 2) Added a missing automatic refresh when a web query is canceled.

( 3) Fixed a typo which caused a data type mismatch when modifying the buffer offset value

( 4) Fixed a problem where some url images were incorrectly perceived as duplicates and therefore removed from the text when converting to HTML using Copy and Edit.

( 5) When removing a file which is not the last, the subsequent file would take on the font characteristics of the removed file. This has been fixed.

( 6) The context menu entry "Unset filter, then find selected text" now works correctly

( 7) Added support for urls using the HTTP protocol which only work with HTTPS

( 8) Fixed a problem where tables inside of figure tags were being ignored

( 9) Fixed a problem where multiple versions of the same image with different resolutions were treated as different images during Copy and Edit

(10) Fixed a problem where hyphenated tags were not being processed correctly.

(11) Fixed a number of problems which caused incorrect table and blockquote formatting in certain cases.

(12) Urls containing a subdirectory named "audio" (case-insensitive), e.g., will be treated as downloadable only audio files despite not having an audio extension.

(13) Fixed responsiveness of filter toggle button.

(14) Fixed the case where hidden text information at the top of the file would prevent ^s from using the web page title as the subject of the email.

(15) Fixed a problem where some images would not be rendered in Outlook when converting to HTML using Copy and Edit.

(16) Fixed a problem where the wrong data may be used when dropping text which contains embedded file names but no urls.

(17) Fixed a couple of problems related to doing a file search via a right-click of "add Files" when minimizing the primary window during a long search.

(18) Fixed a problem with the sync'ing of the (pin) on-top button and the actual on-top status.

(19) Fixed a serious bug which could cause the program to freeze when pasted text contained quoted strings. Multiple urls and/or files may be pasted or dropped into the viewer to be processed. However, if more than one is on a single line then all such items MUST be quoted. For example,

"" ""

will have all of the urls recognized but

"" ""

may not.

(20) Fixed a problem when deleting urls from the url history list. If delete was pressed but no urls had been selected and there was a warning message to this effect that message would preclude any further deletions from happening until the program was restarted.

(21) Fixed a problem where urls containing spaces were considered invalid when attempting to load them from a 'list file', viz., the list of pre-read files to be reloaded in a batch.

(22) Fixed a problem where urls containing "#" could cause filtering to get out of sync and generate beeps when the cursor was over an "apparently" bad hyperlink.

(23) Improved the 'hover-help' documentation for the scratch pad which contained some out of date information.

(24) Fixed a problem where the {F2} button would float over the panel when the window is not maximized and the horizontal scroll bar for the panel is moved to the right.

(25) Fixed an issue where pressing the {Alt} key alone when hovering over a url did not append that url to the scratchpad. This only happened when the File List was also displayed.

(26) Fixed a problem where urls on the internet history screen could not be deleted when the urls were filtered.

(27) Fixed a problem where, in some cases, if you highlighted text in the viewer and pressed {F2} or equivalent to do a lookup when you returned to that file the cursor position and selected text were not restored correctly.

(28) Fixed a long-standing problem where the viewer would lose focus whenever the user added or removed one or more files, changing the list of "open" files.

(29) Lookup item descriptions that end with 3 asterisks, e.g., "[t3:Google Translate ***]" should not be opened in RCFV and should be redirected to the default browser. This is now enforced.

(30) Fixed a problem where the wrong color scheme was used for local files (not urls). The lock background function for local files was also fixed. Note that only urls can use saved filter settings, etc. and this is now enforced. Color data from the DEFAULT.fvf file, if specified, was being used incorrectly for local files instead of the default slot colors.

(31) Dragging or copying html text from Outlook which contain SafeLink encoded urls would create duplicate urls which were not recognized as such. This has been fixed.

(32) Long urls with similar prefixes could cause duplicate backup storage files names to be created preventing the later urls from being accessed. All backup storage file names should now be unique.



( 1) The default download filename now uses the rightmost two url fields to create a possibly more meaningful name.

( 2) Added the right-click option to the "t" command on the button bar to make it equivalent to the "Pin on top" button, i.e., go to the bottom of the file and, if there already, go to the top.

( 3) Next page processing is now always attempted when the host name of the original url and the potential next one to be read are identical. Previously, if the host names were the same but the 2 urls differed substantially the next page was ignored, e.g.,

( 4) The default url list has been updated somewhat. However, the associated fvf files have been substantially updated to correspond to the latest website formats.


New features:

( 1) We've added the option to automatically append the start ("^^") or end ("$$") prefix control characters to a regular expression in the include filter by pressing the {Ctrl} key or the the {Shift} key respectively while selecting the "Add selected text to include filter" context menu item. Note that this is similar to what you can do while dragging text to the filter input box except that to prepend the end control characters, "$$", via the context menu you must use the {Shift} key and not the {Alt} key as you would when dragging. This is due to interactions between those control keys and these operations.

Plus other miscellaneous fixes