The initial release, RCFV.1.0.2296.4753

  • Version RCFV.1.0.2296.4753
  • Download 5245
  • File Size 6.01 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 2022-05-05
  • Last Updated 2022-08-03

Updated 2022-05-05 08:40

Note that your software may complain that this is a potentially dangerous file.  It is not but, because it is not in common use, your browser and/or anti-virus program are being conservative.  You must override this to download and install the software.  If you are worried you can virus-check the setup file before use just to be sure.

This is the first non-beta version, i.e., the first official release version. It fixes a number of bugs and provides quicker web page access by ignoring frame and style processing by default.  It also introduces a new feature which will allow colorized matches from the include filters to be reflected similarly when displayed in a browser window via Copy and edit.  This will let you use match highlighting for more than just selecting text lines.  You can now use it to export the colorized text from your selected filter colors in HTML format to other software.  Check out the new videos which demonstrate the use of colored highlighting to associate related text strings.

A new feature has been added which will allow the selection of specific columns of delimited data such as csv or tables.  Delimiters for captured data may now be specified explicitly in the settings.  Any single character or the tab character or a newline may be used to separate multiple captured fields from a single line.

The beta versions included the ability to invoke the now defunct Outline feature.  This has been replaced with the ability to invoke the excellent PDF maker providing the ability to open one or more urls as a PDF in your default browser.

Although this software is no longer officially in beta it still contains a number of minor known and, probably many other, unknown bugs. Please let us know at if you encounter any.
