About us and our products
We are a small software development firm that creates Microsoft Windows software that is different from what you will typically find available elsewhere. Our latest product, RCFV , the Really Cool Filter Viewer, can do things that no other software vendor provides in a single product and, in many cases, at all.
Click the RCFV button at the top for details about the program which is currently being released as free-to-use software. The program has already been heavily tested in beta by a small group of testers and we are opening it up to the rest of the world for general use. We know there are still many minor bugs and omissions to fix and we ask users to Contact us when they are found.
We warrant that the software works pretty much as advertised and that it has never caused any serious problem on any test machine which could not be ameliorated by just terminating the program. The latest releases have been very stable and should not cause any major problems. Of course, software being software, problems will show up from time to time but, in general, we think you will find the many, many advantages of the software outweigh, by a ton, any minor problems that an undetected bug might cause.
Thanks in advance to all of you who will be using the software and helping us make it better. We think that once you understand how to use it and start playing with it you will appreciate its capabilities. We know we are biased but we really think our software is “cool” and, by that, we don’t mean “tepid” or “halfhearted” but, you be the judge.
Click on the Downloads button at the top to access the RCFV setup program and the tutorials. Check out the Videos as well to view some quick annotated examples of the program in action.
Sample Screenshots (with overlays)

Example: Combining Two Articles From The Same Host With Filtering
Keywords for RCFV